North Carolina: Lenoir Regional (Div. A)

Overall Scores

Note: This tournament splits teams into groups. To see the scores broken down by group, click here. The results grid below shows how all teams would be ranked if groups were not taken into account.

 SchoolBackyard BiologistBody BuildersClue In To ScienceCodebustersDescribe It, Build ItEcology ExpertsFossil FrenzyJust Plane AwesomeMetric ManiaPasta TowerPing Pong ParachuteSky QuestSuper SleuthsThrill SeekersWeather PermittingTotalPlace
7Northwest Elementary School (Varsity)1165533111392134581
5Moss Hill Elementary School (Varsity)273296685217211622
9Pink Hill Elementary School (Varsity)10183449221416105703
2Contentnea Savannah School (Varsity)54110124668114343724
8Northwest Elementary School JV1 (Junior Varsity)8344655436864610825
1Banks Elementary School (Varsity)126710139710531172846
3La Grange Elementary School (Varsity)49218107384381056887
4La Grange Elementary School JV1 (Junior Varsity)35711278104525599928
6Northeast Elementary School (Varsity)68106119105107798271159
11Southwood Elementary School (Varsity)91011858211111161198812810
10Southeast Elementary (Varsity)711997111179910107111113911